The History of Cards and Crafts by Susie

The History of Cards and Crafts by Susie

Susie Hollitt

Hey there,

Susie Cards and Crafts by Susie

I’m Susie and this is my very first blog post, so bear with me if I ramble on a bit hehe but I want to share with you why I started Cards and Crafts by Susie two years ago!!

But before there was Cards and Crafts by Susie there was and still is DSS Handmade which is my families Etsy shop.  I’m the second S in DSS Handmade and my cards are still on their page but I got to the stage I was selling enough cards and I wanted to branch out on my own so I created an Etsy Shop named: "Susie's Simplistic Cards" and although it was quite scary and I still had so much to learn, I was also so excited to be able to sell my cards and know that people are buying them for their nearest and dearest and I still do a little happy dance every time an order comes in.

Recently I have re-branded my Etsy Shop to be called: Cards and Crafts by Susie and I am about to launch my very own website.

So now about me!! I’m a Muma of 3 gorgeous children and I love bringing them up to be kind and well-mannered human beings with good morals. Well that’s the aim anyway!  I treasure our family time together whether we are having family days out or just relaxing on the couch all together watching a movie.

When the kids have all gone to bed and I’m not making cards or working on my Cards and Crafts by Susie business you will find me snuggled up on the couch in my trackies with a cup of tea in my hand watching Netflix!

I have been making cards for my friends and family for as long as I can remember. I remember looking in the shop one day, looking at the store brought cards thinking to myself ‘these aren’t quite right, they aren’t exactly what I want and the price for a printed piece of cardboard with no personal touch at all, I wasn’t paying for what I thought I could probably make myself and for that fact make it better then what I was looking at.


Here is a before and after of my cards This yellow baby card is one of my first cards I made and the Second Safety Pin Card is bar far my most popular card to date! 

I have always been crafty growing up so I had things lying around that I could defiantly make a handmade personal card out of. So, I did and today I’m embarrassed to show what I created back then but looking back I was so proud of myself for being able to create what was in my mind and I was extremely happy of what I had achieved.

I am so glad that now I have learnt many more techniques and have many many more tools to help make my cards look not so ‘homemade’ if you know what I mean? I am so passionate about making unique one of a kind handmade cards that you can’t buy in a generic shop,

Crafting has always giving me a let out, something I can do when my world gets a little too hectic. Some people clean, shop, play sport or exercise when they are stressed, I make cards.

When I started giving my cards to my friends and family and seeing them light up when they saw their card, it just filled my heart right up and today It continues to fill my heart up when complete strangers buy one of my cards to give to their loved ones, it’s the best feeling in the world.

I hope this blog inspires you to take some risks, have a go at making your own cards instead of buying the generic ones you find at the shops and if you don’t have a crafty bone in your body pop over to my shop leave me a comment or get in touch with me over Instagram or Facebook, I will be more then happy to make you the perfect card.


Bye for now

Susie xx


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