My small business Journey ~ Day to Day in March
Susan Hollitt1st March 2025
1st of the month means it's need to reflect on the month that was and work out my new month goals.
I first need to tell you about yesterday.. My Mum came down to visit me yay! I really do enjoy spending time with my Mum we work so well together bouncing ideas off one another.
So while she was here we sat in my craft room and I got her to punch out hearts out of scrap cardstock while I put together Scrapbooking kits and cupcake toppers kits for the Easter boxes.
I also taught her how to use AI which she thought was amazing. If you are not already using AI in your life or your business you need to be. It makes researching things so much quicker and it really is like having an extra person to talk about your ideas. I use ChatGPT which you can just download onto your phone. 😊
My mum is the creator of Elf Magic a non for profit family fun afternoon in Morgan SA that coincides with the Morgan Christmas pageant where the volunteer elves set up free activities for the children to do. They have over 200 children come through so it really is quite a big event.
She wanted to have something go out on the Elf Magic Facebook page once a month to get the children and parents excited. So I said just put that in AI. And she was amazed with all the different ideas it came back with. No more scrolling through pages of different crafts and working out what would be best it was all there right in front of her.
After mum left I continued to work on my boxes then moved to the couch (we finished the Rookie, i didnt care for the ending!) But I did continued to rename and resize my photos on my website. I know this all sounds a bit repetitive, but this is actually what running a small business is like so sorry not sorry I love every bit. ❤️
3rd March 2025 6:10am Monday
Happy Monday ~ I always like the promise of Mondays and the opportunities to get your things sorted for worked out for the week!
I didn't do a lot of business related things over the weekend. My weekends are for rest, relaxation and spending time with my family.
But I did sit down yesterday and work out my social media posts for the week ahead. I try to post everyday but sometimes this doesn't always happen.
I work out my posts by thinking of my tasks I have to do in the week ahead writing them down in a brain dump format, then looking at my SEO on Spyfu and seeing what keywords are getting the most clicks on Google at the moment. Then I curated my 5 posts from there. I generally don't post on the weekends so 5 is a manageable number for me. Because let me tell you a secret... I don't actually like social media in fact I hate it! I don't like the stalking aspect and the fact that we as humans feel we need to tell people we wouldn't actually take the time to tell about every little thing in our life. But that's just me and I know that where I use social media for my business and stay in front of people's eyes it creates and leads to more sales and thats the goal here so I keep posting.
I have actually started using my chatGPT to help me with my posts. I just put in what I want the post to be about and it spits out some posts which I then read through and change into my own words so its actually becoming not such a strain for me and more of a quick little thing I do in the afternoon.
So here are my tips for social media.
- work out what number of posts works for you.
- Sort out your Socials on one day for the week ahead.
- Use ChatGPT to draft your posts quicker, easier, and more efficient.
I hope these help!
4th March 2025
I forgot to mention on the weekend I got an order from Etsy for two Easter chicken craft kits. So yesterday I worked on completing them then I went back to making my Easter boxes. I need to send that order off today and pop to spotlight to pick up some more card stock so I can continue my boxes.
I also got a message last night from Claire saying she wants me to be the first one to promote my business at Lemon Fizz Collective, this means getting behind a camera which is very much out of my comfort zone. But when opportunities come knocking?...
I also did some of my google search console and worked out that on my collection page of my handmade cards on my website, not all my cards are on there so I rectified the situation and made sure they were all there.
Tips from yesterday:
- Get out of your comfort zone, you never know where an opportunity can lead you.
- Always check on your website regularly to make sure everything is looking okay.
5th March 2025 6:13 Wednesday
Yesterday I got my Easter chick's sent off I also changed my display in the post office.
Then I went to spotlight to find some Easter looking cardstock. Then back home to continue working on my Easter boxes for the shop.
I also decided to send Claire back a message to say that I will be part of there promotional video and even though that very scary to me I am also excited to where this could lead.
I had a night off of computer work so I will continue with my Google Search Console tonight.
6th March 2025 6:06 Thursday
Yesterday I worked on my Easter Tags for my Easter boxes before Mum and Dad got here but I did them wrong. So after the left I continued what I was doing but this time i finished the three packs of tags I had to do and started on the photo props. Gosh everything is taking so long I would like a whole day to finish these boxes but unfortunately that day is not today either. But I am going to try!!
I also made 2 8 year old birthday cards for my Niece's birthday and 1 cake topper for her party on Saturday.
After I had enough of making products I sat on the couch and you guessed it did some more google search console.
12th March 2025 6:12am Wednesday
Every 2 weeks I go a bit MIA for a bit usually 3 days because my husband comes home for working away and I just want to spend as much family time with him as possible! But this week it was longer because of the public holiday and then the kids had a pupil free day thats not to say I didn't work on my business for the last 2 days.
On Friday night I got an order on my website yay! For 50 blue mini envelopes. These buyer wanted them for her sons baptism which I thought was just lovely. There are so many different occasions you can use mini envelopes for.
On Monday I worked on getting some last minute birthday cards made for mum. I also remade a cake topperthat she is going to use for her sister's surprise birthday cake. Monday night I had a business meeting with my sister. She is working on revamping her own website called and if you need help with yours I highly recommend her! 👌
Tuesday was all about getting the Easter boxes finished for the Lemon fizz shop which I did. Now it's onto the holiday activity boxes.
13th March 2025 6:05am Thursday
Yesterday I had a super productive day, first i want to the shops and go all my supplies I needed for my small activity boxes then I came home and smashed them out and even started on my large activity boxes.
I woke up to a miss you card order so I will make and send that today before I continue on my boxes.
I still need to write my minutes up from Mondays meeting and start on the list Anne gave me but for now my top priority is getting this order done and also the boxes done so I can put them up in the lemon fizz shop.
14th March 2025 6:06am Friday
Yesterday was a good day I stared with making my miss you card to go to the UK for a repeat customer then I worked on the large activity boxes. Half way through the day I had a thought... what if I was only to put the small activity boxes and the Easter boxes in the shop and leave the large ones out because the large activity box takes so long to make I thought that I might not be able to keep up with restocking it. So after talking with my sister on the phone she suggested that I start with my small activity boxes and my Easter boxes then when the small activity boxes get sold replace them with the large boxes and then vice versa so it will always give me time to restock the other one. So that's what I am going to do. I will make up some star signs today to go with the boxes and hopefully get my new shelf at Lemon Fizz today also.
Mum let me know that my Aunty Janet loved her card and loved that I reporposed the cake topper for her. So that's nice I absolutely love and adore when people love my work. Happy feelings. ❤️
17th March 2025 6:16am Monday
Happy Monday!
On Saturday morning I work up to an Easter envelope order going to Germany and luckily I had them made so I just packaged them up and sent them off.
On Sunday morning I woke up to an Easter banner order also going to Germany so I will get that made today and sent off.
I also went to the Lemon Fizz shop yesterday and displayed my activity boxes on my new shelves so I hope they go well.
18th March 2025
I made my banner and sent that off yesterday, then I made two gorgeous birthday cards for my mums friends and thought they would make great mother's day cards which will be here before we know it. So I will just replace the happy birthday with happy mother's day.
I also added my Easter mugs to my website and worked on my never ending behind the scenes list that I have to do each and every week.
I had my weekly business meeting last night so I have another huge list to complete this week one of my main goals is getting more YouTube videos up on my channel.
I am also going to close the Activity boxes up at Lemon Fizz and put a detailed contents sheet stuck to the tag so people can pick them up and have a look at them.
Here's a quick tip I learnt from Anne last night about SEO keywords
- Any tags that are more than two words are called long tail keywords and it gives your website more authority if you can use them.
19th March 2025 6:16am Wednesday
My Mum came down again yesterday so we spent our time chatting and making some new Australian themed paper hearts to put on the shop, they will be available very soon.

19th March 2025 6:03am Thursday
Just a quick entry today as I worked at Lemon Fizz Collective shop for half the day yesterday so I didn't really get much work done.
I did post my envelopes off and I did close my boxes up at the shop and put the contents list on the outside so people can pick it up and know exactly what is in the boxes. My shelve now looks like this which i think is better.

24th March 2025 6:07am Monday
Happy Monday!
I got a rainbow heart card order on Thursday night that I sent off on Friday morning so that was nice. 😊
I didn't do to much over the weekend as it was my husband's weekend but as we were driving around I did work on my Etsy shop and got them looking a bit better and the same as my website. I also added the Easter mugs to my etsy shop.
This morning my brain has been in full swing trying to work out how to sell my things at Lemon Fizz as I didn't get any sales this past week unfortunately. So I have a brand new list of things to do to make my shelve look more inviting which I will work on today!
I also took the opportunity to ask AI a few things about my business and to work on a product launch strategy so more coming about that soon..
25th March 2025 6:21am Tuesday
I just had a bit of a brainwave looking over this past month, and the fact that I don't like social media! So how about i literally post about what I write about on my blog? With in reason.. This might make social media a bit easier and less forced!
I made some cute little Easter envelopes yesterday which are going up at the Lemon Fizz shop and I might even put them up online as an alternative to the bigger cardstock envelopes. I will continue to make Easter products today for the shop.