Rebranding your business

Rebranding your Business

Susan Hollitt

Sorry it has been such a long time between posts a lot of things have happened with the website...

If you have been with us from day dot you would know that this website started as DSS Handmade and now it looks very different and is called Cards and Crafts by Susie, that is because I have taken over their website and made it my own, don’t worry I had permission! lol.

While I was rebranding the website, I rebranded my Etsy shop and my social media, in fact I rebranded my whole brand. I was called Susie's Simplistic Cards but with branching out into more and more crafts I wanted a name to reflect this so Cards and Crafts by Susie was born along with this website.

Now I want to give you a few tips on rebranding that I wish I knew before I started on this huge adventure.

Tip 1: Do not change everything all at the same time. ~ I learnt this the hard way; I was so excited about rebranding that I went ahead and changed all my platforms including my Etsy shop without knowing or thinking that it would not be okay. But as it turns out changing your name on Etsy is like starting a brand-new shop! Instead Change your social media and start a website but wait until you are getting orders in from the website before you change your Etsy name or be prepared to start again.

Tip 2: Know how to spell lol ~ Again I was super excited about changing my name and I must have been typing to fast and wrote 'Cards and Carfts by Susie' See what I did there? Yep, so that was my name on FB for a whole week and boy did I get some messages about it! Oh well we live, and we learn.

Tip 3: Get a professional to do your new brand logo ~ I know it cost money, but it is so definitely worth it. I got Koella Designs to design my logo and I have never been happier, she understood exactly what I wanted and worked with me to perfect it.

Cards and Crafts by Susie Logo

Tip 4: It takes a long time ~ It takes a long time to change everything over to your new logo and to let people know that you have not gone anywhere, your name has just changed. I am still in the process of changing over my Pinterest pins to my new logo.

Tip 5: RESEARCH ~ Do all the research you possibly can about rebranding before you jump feet first into it. Pinterest is a great tool for finding tips and tricks on how to rebrand. Also look on google for blogs about people rebranding and read through how they did it. There are loads of information out there about rebranding you just got to find it. here's a link to my Pinterest board ~ Rebranding your brand.

I hope you find some useful information when it is time for you to rebrand.

Bye for now.

Susie xx


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