Pinterest for small business

Pinterest for Small Business

Susie Hollitt

Hey there,

Are you using Pinterest to promote your business?

If you’re not using Pinterest, you are missing out on valuable traffic coming to your shop. Most of my traffic comes from Pinterest, a little from social media and Etsy but mostly from Pinterest. Hi I'm Susie and I'm in no means an expert on Pinterest but I wanted to share with you some of the things I have learnt along the way. I have only had my business Pinterest account for just over a year but I have been with DSS Handmade for over 2 years and so i am going to use both our Pinterest accounts for the purpose of this blog.



Dss Handmade Pinterest account


1. Open a business account or convert your personal page to a business

It is super easy to set up a business account on Pinterest. Here are some tips from Pinterest on that if you are just starting out.

2. Optimize your Pinterest account

You do this by adding as many keywords as you can with still making it sound natural. You need to add them to your profile description, your pin descriptions and your board descriptions

Pinterest description

3. Make some pins (I use Canva for the perfect size pins)

Then the fun part, start making pins, I use Canva for all my pins, they already have the perfect size pin to use and so many templates to choose from or you can start from scratch. Make sure your pins are high quality clear photos and that you have your logo on the pin somewhere. Remember if you are making a pin from scratch, Pinterest prefers vertical pins over square pins.



4. Optimize your images

Do this by always making sure your images are named when you save them. This means when you save your pin from Canva always make sure you have your keywords in the title, you don't want your picture to be known by Pinterest as a number. 

5. Make your pins Rich pins

Next is to make your pins Rich Pins, this means when you add them to Pinterest you are using a great title and description with a working link and Pinterest will love you forever also choosing your pin to put in peoples feed instead of another pin that’s not rich.

6. Create some boards relating to your business fill them up with your pins and other people’s pins

As well as making your product pins you need to make some boards that relate to your business and that you ideal customer would be searching for and fill them up with other peoples pins as well as your own pins. For example, on my Pinterest account I have all boards relating to making cards, handmade gifts and starting your own business tips.

7. Send some invites to other people’s group boards and make some of your own group boards

You can also get invited to other people’s group boards relating to your business by asking to join usually via an email it will usually say how you can join the board in the description of the board. You should also make some of your own group boards for other people to join.

8. Be active and consistent on the platform

Then all you have to do is be active on the platform, keep pinning other people’s pins making sure the pins you are pinning are not dead pins this means that when you click on the link or picture it actually goes to the right product or blog and the pin isn’t blocked or banned. Dead pins hurt your account so always check first. In between other people’s pins add your own pins to group boards and your own boards. Try to add new pins as often as you can as Pinterest favours new pins over old pins, the link on the pin can be the same, just as long as the picture is different.

When you are doing all that every single day, consistency is the key here. Pinterest likes consistency and likes people on their platform. You should see an influx of visits coming from Pinterest in your Etsy stats and that will hopefully lead to more sales.

9. Make your account pretty by making cover pins for your boards

I love the look and the cohesiveness of this, it is not necessary but I think it makes your account look more professional. It is also super easy to do. All you have to do is make up a pin. I use the same title and description as the board I am making the cover for. I also use the same boards URL as I am making so if anyone clicks the pin it goes straight to the board and they see all my other pins for that board.

10. The more ideas feed

This button is incredibly useful to you. Not only does it help you quickly add pins to your board. After you add a new pin it should show you more ideas relating to your pin, if it doesn't it means that you have used the wrong keywords and you need to go back and change your keywords. This picture is from my board called Group Board - Handmade cards sellers and buyers and you can see that Pinterest knows exactly what this board is about as they are giving me handmade cards to add to my boards.


I hope this blog has been helpful for those of you just starting out on Pinterest or even for those of you that have seen a dramatic drop in sales or on your Pinterest account. If you have any more tips, please leave them in the comments we are all learning here.

Now get pinning

Bye for now

Susie xx

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